Clothes Purchased for Children in Kiev

Clothes for Children in Kiev Provided by UCAF Donors
Kiev have emerged as a beacon of hope for thousands of families uprooted and displaced from their homes and villages in the wake of Russia’s invasion and ongoing assault of Ukraine. Arriving from such war-torn regions as Mariupol, Kherson, Mykolaiv, Donetsk, and Luhansk, these families have sought refuge in Kiev to escape relentless Russian shelling and the resulting devastation. This influx of refugees has created a desperate need for the basic necessities of life for these displaced families, particularly the children.
The harsh reality for these displaced families is marked by severe economic strain. Families arrive in Kiev with little more than the few belongings and little money they have left. The scarcity of employment opportunities coupled with the soaring prices of food, clothing, and medicine has left many parents unable to provide clothing and shoes for their children.
Your generous support makes it possible for UCAF to purchase essential clothing and shoes ensuring these precious lives are not deprived of their most basic necessities during these difficult times. Your help brings a small measure of relief and stability to these families, allowing them to focus on nurturing their children in challenging times. If you care to help, please click the DONATE NOW button.