
92 Bowery St., NY 10013

+1 800 123 456 789

Medical Assistance

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Donation Total: $250 One Time

Thousands of children in Ukraine suffer from various physical disabilities and abnormalities. The socialized healthcare system of the Ukrainian government provides very limited assistance to address the many health-related needs of its citizens, especially children. Most Ukrainian families lack the financial means to pay out-of-pocket for proper medical care for their special-needs children.

Uniting for Ukraine (a U.S. government-sponsored program) made it possible for children with serious medical conditions that require specialized treatment to enter the USA, and Medicaid made it possible for them to receive such treatment without having to pay expensive hospital and surgical bills. “Uniting for Ukraine provided a pathway for Ukrainian citizens and their immediate family members who are outside the United States to come to the United States and stay temporarily in a 2-year period of parole.” [temporarily suspended by the Trump administration]

However, while most of the medical needs of children in Ukraine can be properly addressed by the existing healthcare system in-country, most families still do not have the financial means to properly care for their children with special needs such as Cerebral Palsy, Autism, Downs Syndrome, etc., as well as those requiring special treatment for problems with their eyes, teeth, joints, and other uncommon ailments.

Your generous support made it possible for UCAF to finance and coordinate travel arrangements, host families, doctor visits, translators, groceries, and whatever else was necessary to ensure that these children received the critical (and often life-saving) medical assistance they desperately needed, including hospital stays, surgery, physical therapy, X-ray exams, prescription medicine, and much more. Your DONATION literally saved and transformed lives!