Firewood Delivered to Families in Kherson

Families in Kherson Provided Firewood by UCAF Donors
The winter seasons in Ukraine are notoriously bitter cold! The combination of extreme cold, lack of resources, and the ongoing assault of Russian shelling along the border of Kherson creates a dire situation for the people living there – especially families with children. Potbelly stoves fueled by firewood, briquettes, or whatever they can find to burn in them are the primary means for heat in most homes (shacks) in Kherson. There is a severe lack of firewood in this region and families greatly struggle to keep their homes warm, especially during the five long and bitter winter months of November through to March. Cold houses pose a significant health risk for children, increasing their susceptibility to illnesses.
The Russian invasion and ongoing war have only served to exacerbate this already desperate situation for many Ukrainians. Many have no means of gainful employment and no savings whatsoever making it impossible to purchase sufficient fuel for their stoves in preparation for winter months. Many families depend on humanitarian organizations like UCAF to supply what they lack to keep their families warm during the winter.
In 2023, UCAF donors made it possible to purchase a truck-load of briquettes that provided enough fuel to heat the homes of at least 80 families and approximately 300 children that winter. Our partners in Ukraine stand ready to purchase and distribute this life-saving and home-warming firewood to families with children in the Kherson region of Ukraine every year. We invite you to help make this happen via the DONATE NOW button.
Yevheniy (Eugene) Bondarenko is our trusted liaison in Ukraine to receive the funds and to ensure they are used exclusively to purchase and distribute life-saving briquettes to needy families with children in Kherson, Ukraine. Following are some examples of what he witnessed while distributing these briquettes from village to village:
“I wanted to share some examples of families who received these briquettes. I remember one couple – people who were not healthy – this family couldn’t afford to make fire in their fireplace. They were walking around, in the fields, trying to collect little branches to start a fire at least for a little bit not to freeze to death. This family had no money for life. And when we found out about their need, we came and gave them some briquettes. They had tears in their eyes. They were so thankful. They were able not to just be warm, but to survive that harsh winter. This is what would stay in their hearts – that at the time of need Christians came, prayed and helped them in their need.
I am reminded of the pregnant lady. Her husband is fighting on the battlefield. And she had two more children at home. So, we gave her this help. Now, her baby is born. And they lived in winter in a warm house. And they are so thankful for the help in the name of Christ that we could provide. And when we distribute them, we always pray, we always say that it is from Christian people all over the world, from you. In this way it’s not only for the body, but also for the soul.
When we were unloading these briquettes, we were met by families with 5-6-7 children – children who were barefoot. Those families had no money even to dress their children, to buy them shoes. With tears in our eyes, we had an opportunity to serve these families. We were giving them the briquettes and sharing with them Christian literature, New Testaments, and financial help when we could.”