Summer Camp Funded for Children in Kherson

Summer Camp for Children in Kherson Thanks to UCAF Donors
Our partners in Ukraine discovered great needs for children living in the Mykolaiv Region – in the villages of Ingulovka and Dobrokamenka. These children witnessed very little good in their lives due to Russia’s assault on their region and the immense destruction that was occurring all around them. These villages are very close to the front line of Russia’s point of attack, exposing children to bombs exploding, people dying, and the carnage they were witnessing on a daily basis. Bombs and gunfire were heard many times during the summer camps. During the four days of camp in each village, children were invited to participate in crafts, games, sports, Bible stories, and snacks. There were about 80 children every day in one village and about 60 children daily in the second village, and those who came were often hungry and wearing dirty clothes.
One of many stories of transformation that resulted from these camps came from a mother who shared how her son’s life had changed as evidenced by what he would draw. Prior to the camp, her son would draw about the dark images of war – always using black colors: tanks, blood, arms and legs torn out of human bodies, etc. These images revealed deep wounds and pains in his soul as one traumatized from his constant exposure to the war. In the last day of camp, his mother noticed that he had now begun to draw images using bright colors that contained the sun, grass, rivers, birds, trees, etc. The deep wounds of his soul were beginning to heal.
There are too many stories of transformation to convey in this short amount to space. But you can be absolutely certain of this – your generous and sacrificial financial support is genuinely and progressively transforming the lives of children in Ukraine in many families and villages across Ukraine! We invite you to help perpetuate this movement by Donating Now using the button below.